It has happened, my baby boy has turned 6 years old and is heading into kindergarten in less than a month. I still remember the day he was born and how it seemed that he would stay a baby forever, now he a big boy, a big brother, an athlete, a
kindergartener, and quick to tell me that he is no longer my baby! This summer has been a summer of firsts for him....he learned to ride his bike, lost his 2 front teeth, and played his first
teeball game. I tell him every night that he is still my baby and he continues to tell me that he is a big boy now, but I can't help to look at his 6 year old pictures and see that baby that I saw for the first time when he was born, those big brown eyes, those long eyelashes and that sweet baby smile. He will always be my baby! Enjoy his latest pictures taken here in Greeley at Huston Gardens. This was my first time shooting at the gardens and we had excellent scenery to work with!