As last week came to a close and I realized that we are beginning a new school year and all the craziness that comes with it, I realized that I sent my baby girl to official preschool and that my son entered the first grade and is no longer my baby. It happens so fast, too fast. I think of all of the days that we are running around doing errands and one child is fighting with the other or one child is melting down, and I think of how I would wish for those days to be over and for us to be able to go to the store without drama, but then I think, WAIT, sooner rather than later, they will be grown up and the kids will be heading onto college and getting lives of there own. I know that those days are a ways away, but I can't help but think that this week was the beginnning of letting my babies grow up and become independent.
I read a blog of two other photographers, and they have had similar posts this week where they were sending their babies to school, and one of them posted a song with the lyrics that she said was her theme song. Of course, I listened to it and I cried, and then I said its true, it does happen in a blink and we should cherish every moment. Despite the crazy times and feeling as though I wish it would hurry up, I really don't want it to and I need to stop and take it all in. So here are some pictures from the first day of school and attached is that song, just for me to share, and because two of my inspirations Kim and Jodie (
Fresh Art Photography) shared it too.