As promised I am going to blog about my son
Karson and his 1st grade Christmas Program.
Karson's school does an
UNBELIEVABLE program for the 1st grade class. Well, I should say that all the grades K-2 do elaborate Christmas programs, but none of them are quite as time consuming and as elaborate at the 1st grade version of the Nutcracker Suite! The music teacher at Eaton Elementary School has such a creativity about her and a lot of dedication to put this performance together year after year for nearly 100-125 1st graders. Every child has a costume and a part in the play, it is fantastic! Well last year,
Karson saw the program as a
kindergartner and he came home and said "Mom, next year I want to be the mouse king." I wasn't for sure what was so enticing about the Mouse King, but he was set on it, and let me tell you he did not forget. At the beginning of this year, when he saw the music teacher he told her, "I am so excited for the Nutcracker, can I be the Mouse King?" I thought she would take it in stride and when the time would come she would forget. At the end of October,
Karson ran into the house and told me "guess what, guess what....I am going to be the Mouse King!" The music teacher had made his entire year!!! So as it was, he played the Mouse King in the Eaton Elementary School 1st grade Christmas Program last night.
The Mouse King and his mice followers battle the toy soldiers, then the Mouse King has a one on one battle with the Nutcracker, at the end of the battle, Clara the little girl throws a slipper at the Mouse King's head and he falls to the floor, dead! It was so cute and the PERFECT part for
Karson! He was in character all night and did such a great job. Here are some of the pictures from the program. I was not in the ideal spot to get good shots, but we ordered the DVD so we will always have the memories!