Last week, my Kyndal Grace turned 3 years old. It seems like just yesterday that she was born and we brought her home for the first time, yet there are times when it feels like she has been with us forever! She and I both have been waiting for 3 for awhile, it felt like she was 2 forever, I don't know if it is because she acts so much older than she is, or because we went through so much with her health in the past 3 years that sometimes it seems like she has been with us for so long. Her health is great, she is in the 75th percentile in height and weight now, which is 100%+ improvement then before she had her heart surgery. She is bubbly, sassy, funny, cute and so verbal that you sometimes would swear she is 3 going on her teen years. Today we did her 3 year birthday pictures and it was like pulling teeth to get these, but she again proves that she loves the camera!

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