I know that I told everyone I was not going to do anymore weddings, but this one was a bit different. My old work colleague and friend called me one random morning and said "I am getting married in 2 weeks and I need someone to photograph the 'moments'." My first thought was, 2 WEEKS, wow! how will she ever pull it off, and that made me realize, she needed me to say yes and I was more than happy to do it. She pulled it off in 2 weeks and it was perfect in every way. J and L are both remarrying after already having children from their first marriages. I have known L for 3 years and I have not seen her happier than when she is with J, he makes her laugh when times are serious, he makes her laugh just to laugh, when he is serious she makes him laugh. There is a whole lot of sarcastic times and a whole lot of laughable times. He is her rock and she is his! They love each others children as if they were their own and have been able to develop a strong foundation from which to start a new beginning! So the ceremony was small at the Justice of the Peace, with a small reception at their home. It was initmate and I loved it! Here are a few sneak peeks of a great day, there were over 300 pictures and these are just a few of my favs!

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