Kyndal is 2 1/2 going on 12 and today it was so fun to watch her entertain herself. It is rare that we have a Saturday where we don't have anything planned and it is more rare these days for me to get my camera out and just photograph the kids. Today my lens was focused on Kyndal. She loves the camera and loves to have her picture taken. I was amazed at how many things she will do in period of 2 hours and decided to document her in this lazy Saturday post. She tried to interrupt her brother and dad's nap, cut paper, painted, helped me cook and posed for the camera! She is something else that is for sure! I love her to pieces and more than anything I love her personality, even if it sends me near the edge sometimes. I am also in love with her eyes, which you will see are so full of character, personality and mischief!

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