Monday, February 27, 2012

catey rose is 18 months

I love that I get to see this sweetie pie every 6 months or so, I will be sad when she turns 2 and I only get to see her once a year!  She came with her adorable outfits and her cute smiles for her 18 month pics!

Friday, February 24, 2012

winter wonderland

After a crazy two weeks with my daughter having health issues I am finally back to photography, editing and blogging.  I took these the weekend before my daughter had open heart surgery, and we had a BEAUTIFUL winter wonderland day.  Shalese and her family joined me at the Poudre River Trail for a fun outdoor photo shoot that after a while got pretty cold so we moved it indoors.  Shalese told me she had not had family pics done in quite a while and she was scheduled to have her baby the following weekend.  I am so glad that we got these precious moments with their daughter before their new addition arrived!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

jayda is two!

My niece Jayda turned 2 last month and we finally got together to take pictures.  We met up last weekend when the skies were sunny but the ground was covered in snow.  She was a great trooper and even took pictures in short sleeves :)  She is such a big girl and I love her many faces!