Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fun Fun Fun!

What a fun photoshoot last weekend. I was super busy with 3 shoots over last weekend and by the end of the weekend, I thought I might be losing my creativity. But once I got to shoot the J-family and their extended family with twin girls, it was so fun and everyone had a great time. I have taken photos of the J-family before when I was first getting my start, so it was fun to do them again 6 months later, this time they brought a sister-in-law who has twin girls who are 15 months! Everyone looked so pretty in their pastels, and the whole family matched so well. Initally, the twins had a hard time warming up to me and smiling (mom and aunt were in the back doing whatever they could to get smiles), but after our hour shoot, they were really starting to warm up! Enjoy!


  1. Those are beautiful! I need photography lessons from you!

  2. Thanks Kerrie, I am having a great time with it!
