Today I met up with the W-family children. They were troopers today, mainly because we are having a horrible year of mosquitos due to the flooding here in northern Colorado. Everyone was getting bit by the bugs, but they handled it well and took good pictures. Darrin is 3 weeks old and cute as a button. His sister Harley was born the day before my Kyndal and her mom and I have been friends for a while, she is full of 3 year old spunk. Big brother Devon is 9 and takes such good care of his little brother and sister. We had fun today despite the fact that Darrin was not going to sleep for any of our pictures. The ones where he looks asleep just happen to be pics of his eyes closed and he looks like he is sleeping. The kids did great, Darrin did great and mom and grandma did great. Can't wait to watch these kids grow up! Here are a handful of my favs.

More great pics. Darrin is a cutie!